Last month, MindgruveMacarta attended the MediaPost Data & Programmatic Insider Summit in Lake Tahoe. The summit brought together industry leaders and experts to explore the latest trends and challenges in programmatic advertising. Here are our key takeaways from the event:

From Iztapalapa to the World: My Experience at the Lake Tahoe Summit

Attending this summit in the United States, where English is not my first language, was an experience I will never forget. Not only was I in a culturally different environment, but I also had the opportunity to connect with industry professionals. Despite the language barriers, I felt welcomed and motivated to participate in the discussions. Meeting other experts, sharing our experiences, and learning from their perspectives enriched my knowledge and provided valuable lessons on both a professional and personal level. This experience reinforced the idea that, regardless of our backgrounds, each of us has something to contribute to the global conversation on programmatic marketing.

Summit Agenda Overview

Day 1: Opening and Reflections

Q&A: How Diversity Breeds Innovation

One of the highlights of the first day was the conversation with Melissa Bonnick, Executive Director and Head of Programmatic at JPMorganChase. She emphasized the importance of diversity in media spend, thought, and execution style, noting how it drives innovation in an ever-changing digital landscape. Brand safety and innovation were critical discussion points in staying ahead in today’s market.

Panel: RMNs and The New Media Shopping Cart

This panel explored the growing impact of Retail Media Networks (RMNs) on media strategies. RMNs are gaining momentum due to their access to first-party data and point-of-purchase placements, challenging Google’s position as a core element of advertising strategy. However, concerns arose regarding their high costs and how these platforms complicate data-driven media planning.

Day 2: Deep Dive into Programmatic and Data

Case Study: TikTok Shop

One of the most intriguing presentations was on TikTok Shop, showcasing how TikTok is leveraging its content-driven platform in order to position itself as a self-contained marketplace — which highlights the importance of combining both pull and push marketing strategies. I drew a comparison with Mercado Libre’s approach in LATAM, which recently launched a short video platform for product promotion. Unlike Amazon, which has shown less interest in this space, TikTok and Mercado Libre are actively exploring innovative ways to attract and convert consumers.

Case Study: Faster, Smarter, More Accurate: How Reckitt Uses Practical Automation to Supercharge Our Teams

Reckitt’s Programmatic Manager shared how they returned to basic tools like Excel and standard templates to automate processes within DSPs. This practical approach reduced burnout and increased setup accuracy while allowing their team to focus on strategic thinking.

Panel: The New Context(ual): Leveraging the Post-Cookie Return to Content

The postponement of cookie deprecation was a hot topic in this panel, underscoring the difficulties in finding a solution that balances privacy concerns with advertising effectiveness. Although Data Clean Rooms were later mentioned as a promising alternative, they were highlighted as a way to maintain precise segmentation without compromising privacy.

Day 3: Conclusions and Closing

Presentation: Start-Up Brand’s Super Surgical Strategy via Data & AI

This session showcased how a start-up used AI to optimize both its content and programmatic strategies, maximizing its limited budget. Through a combination of data intelligence and creative automation, the start-up has been able to compete effectively against larger brands. However, it’s important to note that while AI is becoming increasingly powerful, it is still dependent on the data and prompts we provide. This can lead to errors or bias if not managed carefully.

Reflection: Differences in Programmatic Segmentation: USA vs LATAM

A key takeaway from the summit was the striking difference in how programmatic audiences are managed in the USA compared to LATAM. In the USA hyper-segmentation capabilities enable advertisers to target audiences with incredible precision, enhancing the effectiveness of Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM). Meanwhile, in LATAM, data access and DSP limitations compel us to be more creative in reaching our target audience, often by identifying indirect behaviors to connect with them.

Data Clean Rooms: A Key Solution in the Cookieless Future

The cookieless future was a recurring theme throughout the summit, and Data Clean Rooms emerged as one of the most promising solutions to address privacy and data-sharing challenges. As stricter privacy regulations are put in place, Data Clean Rooms provide a secure way for advertisers to collaborate without exposing sensitive user data. This technology is not only essential for navigating a cookieless future, but also offers new possibilities for precise segmentation and advanced analytics.

During the roundtables, participants discussed various use cases and implementations of Data Clean Rooms. It became evident that this technology is crucial for brands that want to harness enriched data without sacrificing user privacy.

The Challenge of Retail Media: An Evolving Model

One concern raised at the summit was the evolution of retail media and its parallels with streaming platforms. Just as consumers need to subscribe to multiple streaming services to access all content, brands are now expected to be present on multiple RMNs to reach their full audience. This dilutes budgets and complicates measuring the effectiveness of advertising investments.

The fragmentation of the market presents a challenge for media strategists, who must balance efficiency with the need to be present on various platforms. The importance of developing more sophisticated metrics and integration strategies to maximize ROI without redundancy was also discussed.


The MediaPost Data & Programmatic Insider Summit provided invaluable insights into the future of programmatic advertising. As the industry shifts toward a cookieless environment and increased media fragmentation, The importance of innovation and adaptation in all markets, including LATAM, became evident. By learning from global best practices and tailoring them to our local markets, we can remain competitive in an evolving landscape.

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