LinkedIn newsletters have emerged as a powerful tool for those aiming to bolster their online presence and connect with their audience effectively. In this article, we cover everything you need to know, including how to create one.

What are LinkedIn Newsletters?

LinkedIn newsletters are periodic publications that provide updates on relevant news. They consist of a series of regularly published articles focused on a specific topic aligned with the audience’s interests and needs, similar to conventional email newsletters.

By harnessing the power of LinkedIn newsletters, you can effectively engage with your target audience, foster connections, and gain valuable insights to enhance the impact of your content.

Why Are LinkedIn Newsletters Worth Considering?

Generate Leads
Inbound marketing thrives on attracting and nurturing leads, and LinkedIn newsletters can be a driving force behind your strategy. By showcasing your expertise and insights, a well-crafted newsletter can generate high-quality leads for your business. According to a 2020 study by HubSpot, LinkedIn is 277% more effective at lead generation than Facebook and Twitter. This makes LinkedIn newsletters an invaluable tool for driving growth and attracting potential customers.

Build Trust and Authority
Building trust is essential for business growth, and establishing yourself as an authority in your industry plays a vital role in this process. Consistently delivering valuable content through LinkedIn newsletters nurtures a sense of trust and reliability with your audience. As they regularly engage with your insightful articles, they will begin to perceive you as a credible and authoritative source of information.

Consequently, when the need arises for the products or services you offer, your audience will instinctively turn to you with unwavering confidence, knowing they can rely on your expertise to meet their needs effectively. This trust-driven relationship will strengthen your brand’s reputation and solidify your position as a go-to resource in your industry or niche.

Expand Reach
Similar to other social media platforms, LinkedIn rewards content that garners engagement. By creating compelling newsletters that drive interaction, you increase the likelihood of reaching a broader audience. This, in turn, allows you to expand your network.

Foster Engagement
It’s important to note that not all connections on LinkedIn will actively engage with your content. By utilizing newsletters, you can refine your contact list and attract subscribers who resonate with your topic. This focused engagement enhances the quality of your interactions.

Additionally, you can easily invite all of your connections or followers to subscribe, ensuring they receive notifications whenever you publish new content. When you release an article within your newsletter, LinkedIn sends push notifications, in-app notifications, and email alerts to your subscribers, resulting in increased views and interactions. Your engagement across other LinkedIn assets, such as articles and posts, is likely to improve as your newsletter subscribers discover and explore your content. This cross-engagement strengthens your connection with the audience and maximizes your influence within the LinkedIn community.

How to Create a LinkedIn Newsletter

  1. Click “Write article” at the top of the LinkedIn homepage.
  2. If a LinkedIn Page is available, select the account to publish from and proceed to the publishing tool.
  3. Click “Create a newsletter” and provide a title, description, publishing frequency, and optional image or logo.
  4. Write the first newsletter article and click “Next” when ready to publish.
  5. Notifications will invite connections and followers to subscribe to the newsletter.
  6. Publish the article and add context, questions, or relevant mentions to enhance engagement.
  7. Share the newsletter article on other channels to extend its reach and drive further engagement.


LinkedIn newsletters offer numerous advantages for businesses and creators aiming to expand their reach, drive engagement, boost brand awareness, establish authority, and generate quality leads. By harnessing the power of this platform, organizations and individuals position themselves for long-term success in the digital landscape.