Earned media is showing no signs of slowing down. Below are some of the most prominent trends in SEO and email we’ll likely see over the course of the year. 

SEO Trends

  • Core Web Vitals – Google rolled out core web vitals in 2020, which will begin to factor into its ranking algorithm in the coming year. They measure load time, interactivity and stability of the content on a web page. In other words, web pages that deliver an optimal user experience, will garner better search visibility via Google.
  • Video With YouTube’s standing as the second most used search engine in the world, it is crucial to incorporate video into your  SEO strategy. It’s also worth noting that video is the first thing that appears on the SERP, which means optimizing these pieces of content can help give you the edge over the competition. 
  • Zero-Click Search Results Now more than ever, searchers are using zero-click results, which provide all the information they need without ever visiting websites. Optimize content to ensure this SERP feature is easier to operate.
  • Voice Search – According to statistics, 111.8 million people in the U.S. are currently using voice search and the number is expected to increase. Stay ahead of competitors by optimizing content for voice search specifically. 


Email Trends

  • Interactive Emails – Interactive emails give subscribers unique, fun ways to view various products and shop. For example, including a carousel of products that a customer has previously viewed may encourage them to complete a purchase.
  • Bright Colors – Adding bright colors to an email can attract the viewer’s eye. As reported by Kissmetrics, 93% of consumers find color most important when making a purchase, while 85% of shoppers say color is the number one reason they buy a product. When you’re thinking about getting creative with an email, consider playing with color combinations! 
  • Automation – Email automation not only allows your subscribers to choose the information they want, but also offers you a way to send them personalized shopping recommendations based on their purchase history. 

Keep up to date on these and other earned media trends in 2021. Contact us if you have any questions, or for more information on how to take advantage.