After all our hard work preparing for our presence at IDSD, the day has come and gone and we couldn’t have had it any better! With Dan Zarrella from Hubspot kicking us off with his morning keynote presentation on social data, we were excited for a full day of learning and playing host to our new alien friend.

As he perused the halls, checking out the sponsor expo, we manned our pop-up headquarters by handing out cookies and interacting with IDSD participants. Check out some of the photos of our booth from this year and how people interacted with our visitor from another planet – he seemed pretty interested in all things digital!

It’s been a rewarding experience being IDSD’s creative partner for the fifth year in a row. We look forward to what’s in store next year.
And what exactly was our new alien friend looking for?
We discovered that he was on the hunt for forward-thinking, fresh digital marketing; a foreign concept on his home planet. As he surveyed San Diego, he came upon Mindgruve and thought we were out of this world! As we continue to lend our expertise to the alien, be on the lookout for future updates — it looks like our alien friend is sticking around for awhile. #AliensAreWatching
See more photos from the event>>